Friday, April 4, 2008

Cottonwood Foundation

Cottonwood Foundation does not provide outright grants, but they do have partnership opportunities (translates into assistance). Their website is This organization may be a good group to help us as we consider expanding our acitvites.

From their Executive Director:

2006 saw the Cottonwood Partner program continuing to build good will between people throughout the world, demonstrating that no matter how different our backgrounds and cultures are, we can all find a common cause in helping to create a better future. Cottonwood and its partners are helping to bring people together to address issues that are pressing at both a local and international level – and your help is the force behind this work.

As the world enters a period of rising concern about climate change and energy issues, your generous help for these partner organizations in their steady work for a better world is even more important. Actually, the activities that you have funded are empowering Cottonwood Partner organizations in a real way to address both climate and energy challenges.

In 2006, grants were awarded for projects that supported renewable energy (including solar, biomass and humanpowered), more efficient and lower carbon emission wood stoves, tree planting, reuse of materials for building and household furnishings, and other activities that are not only environmentally-friendly but also contribute to reducing climate change. In addition to those efforts that protect our global environment, your gifts have supported work that is genuinely helping to save and improve lives now – through providing clean water for communities and schools, sanitation, and local organic food production. And lives are being changed for the better for low-income families through new sources of livelihood which empower them to move out of poverty.

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