Thursday, April 10, 2008

STU Environmental Law Society Plans

The STELS just met at STU, with a follow up recycling meeting.  The message was sent out to the entire student body, and only 3 students who are not regular members of STELS showed up.  Unfortunate, really.  Apparently, the 1Ls had a mandatory On Campus Interview Meeting at the same time.  We made a list of things we plan on accomplishing  for the Fall, including much of the information and ideas gathered at the Greening the University Conference:
1.  Go Green Honor Code Pledge for students:  signed at Orientation.
2.  Orientation time set aside to familiarize new students with green aspects of campus life.  This will make first semester law students feel as thought they have some control of their 1L lives, something proactive they can do.
3.  Faucet exchange:  aerated, low flow faucets on all taps.  Signs posted above each sink, informing students of impact/water saved.
4.  Possible elimination of paper towels in restrooms, swapped for hand dryers.
5.  Go Green Recycling Awareness Week, to inform and instruct students about the proper manner in which to recycle.
6.  Oh, THAT'S RIGHT!  Institute a recycling program on campus, by the Fall!
7.  Design and construct outdoor installation:  The Eternal Life of a Styrofoam Cup.
8.  Cosmic Walk for Earth Day, Organic Veggie BBQ, Organic Beer for students.  Get them involved!

So, those are our ideas for now!  The biggest obstacle is reducing the stigma we seem to have here at STU of being green as "other," and not a way of life we ALL need to live.  Any ideas?

1 comment:

Pia Jensen said...

I received email from the State today about grants for counties and cities for innovative recylcing/waste reduction programs. Have forwarded that to Juan Zamora to kick start discussion. Will keep you informed and invited to meet! ~ Pia